Julie Ellis Artist

Reading John Berger – Poetry??

Reading John Berger – Poetry??

Reading this… Halfway through in one sitting and so much which resonates. I decided to write some of my own words, in a painterly way. It was the Vija Celmins quote which inspired me to do this. ‘I think there’s something profound, about working in...
Image – Seeing

Image – Seeing

Writing Task – Image – Seeing Viewing In terms of Mitchell’s taxonomy of the image I categorise my work as both graphic and mental. Graphic image as it is a picture/painting, an object with the sole purpose of communicating visual information. It is...
Reflecting on Feedback (701) – Ideas (702)

Reflecting on Feedback (701) – Ideas (702)

You have questioned your own aesthetic choices and wondered if you needed to challenge it but you could see this as a valuable asset that comes from your own tacit knowledge rather that wondering if you need to make “ugly” paintings. In terms of your work going on...
Object – Being

Object – Being

Julie Ellis – Writing Task Object The physical painting is an object which we see in a unique way, a window into another world which alters the way we perceive the one from which we view the painting. Merleau- Ponty describes this; “I would be at great pains to say...