Julie Ellis Artist

Draft statement – unfinished

Humankind has been painting with pigment for over seventy five thousand years from the cave paintings of early existence till today. However, an inherent need to document, remember, visualise and represent the world is not the only motivation for the practice of painting. There is a relationship between maker and materials which is the drive for my current practice.

I have been exploring my relationship with painting, removing intention for outcome, narrative and representation I am asking myself…How do we make, understand and interpret paintings which represent little else but the materials and process. There seems to be an intuitive interaction happening which is to do with looking and gut feeling.

My current process interrupts my tendency to over think by playfully altering my environment using sound, interactions with others and new approaches to familiar materials. The work reveals a spontaneity which uncovers my inner visual thinking and tacit knowledge.

This spontaneity is in contrast to my meditative approach to theory of intuition in relation to materials and process. Seeking a better understanding through the writing of…

James Elkins

John Berger

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